viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

SAGE experiment

This time I decided to work with ticket #12532 (an easy one) in order to get envolve with SAGE developer process.

In the next worksheet you can see how I proceded to understand how plot3d works in SAGE and why it doesn't works in the case the ticket mentions.


And in the next report you can see what I have modified in the source code to patch it.


My trac-account is in process.  As soon as I get it I'll try to send the patch.

2 comentarios:

  1. Can you post here your patch, so we can check it while you get your trac account?

    If you don't get the trac account soon, maybe you should email directly the administrator, or post a message in the sage-devel google group.

    Also, make sure that you add a doctest that shows that the issue has been solved. Make sure that you follow the conventions in the sage developper's guide.

    1. Sorry, I went out the city this weekend and I couldn't bring my laptop. So I couldn't answer.

      But, good news! I already get my trac account , so today I'll be able to send the patch.
